Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath Essay

The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath The Dust bowl was an ecological and human disaster in the Southwestern Great Plains regions of the United States in the 1930s. The areas affected were Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. The poor handling of the land and years of drought caused this great disaster (Jones History). During this time the Okies--a name given to the migrants that traveled from Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, or anywhere in the Southwest or the northern plains to California--encountered many hardships. These hardships are brilliantly shown in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath. Scholars agree, The most important fact about the dust storms was not scientific but human: their tragic effect†¦show more content†¦While in grammar school John had a paper route that went through the Mexican neighborhoods. These trips helped inspire his later stories. As in grammar school, Steinbeck was picked on in high school. This time it was not just students, but the teachers also classified John as stupid based onl y on his physical features. In one account of Steinbecks life we are given evidence that teachers would often make fun of him in front of their classes. Regardless of his dramas in high school Steinbeck graduated in 1918 with the other twenty-four students in his class (Swisher 15). Steinbeck attended Standard on and off for six years, but never earned a degree. When Steinbeck was not attending school he was working as a laborer. He often worked with migrants and lived with them. The exposure Steinbeck received from migrants would later help shape the characters he wrote about (Swisher 15). Steinbeck never graduated Standard and it would take years before he was truly recognized. In 1935 Pascal Covici declared he wanted to be Steinbecks permanent publisher. When Covici published Tortilla Flat it soon became settled on the best-seller list, making Steinbeck famous (Swisher 17-19). Now Steinbeck was known and it helped him land good opportunities in the writing field. When the chef editor from the San Francisco News,Show MoreRelated Grapes Of Wrath Essay2416 Words   |  10 Pages John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath is one of the most influential books in American History, and is considered to be his best work by many. It tells the story of one family’s hardship during the Depression and the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s. The Joads were a hard-working family with a strong sense of togetherness and morals; they farmed their land and went about their business without bothering anyone. When the big drought came it forced them to sell the land they had lived on since beforeRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagespurposes besides making a term more precise. Powerful political institutions can exert their power by defining terms their own way. An ordinance was once proposed to the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to outlaw all animal experimentation involving pain with inadequate anesthesia. It required adequate anesthesia for all experimentation on animals. However, it permitted inadequate anesthesia for rats and mice. Lest you think there is an inconsistency here, the ordinance noted that rats and mice

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Chapter 12 Outline Free Essays

Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism I. Identifications 1. Rush-Bagot Agreement: 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 12 Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now Second Bank of the United States: 3. Adams-Onis Treaty: 4. Panic of 1819: 5. Tallmadge Amendment: 6. Missouri Compromise: 7. John Marshall: 8. Monroe Doctrine: II. Guided Reading Questions On to Canada over Land and Lakes 1. Why was the United States Navy able to have success in the fight for Canada? Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended 2. How did Andrew Jackson achieve some measure of retribution in New Orleans for the British actions in Washington? The Treaty of Ghent 3. Was the Treaty of Ghent advantageous to the United States? Explain. Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention 4. Despite an upsurge in patriotism elsewhere, what did some New England Federalists propose at the Hartford Convention, and what was the ultimate impact of the Hartford Resolutions on the Federalists? The Second War for American Independence 5. What were the long term effects of the War of 1812? Nascent Nationalism 6. What evidence of nationalism surfaced after the War of 1812? â€Å"The American System† 7. In what ways could nationalism be seen in the politics and economics of the post-war years? The So-Called Era of Good Feelings 8. To what extent was James Monroe’s presidency an Era of Good Feelings? The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times 9. Explain the causes and effects of the Panic of 1819. Growing Pains of the West 10. What factors led to the settlement of the West in the years following the War? Slavery and the Sectional Balance 1. Why was Missouri’s request for statehood so explosive? The Uneasy Missouri Compromise 12. â€Å"Neither the North nor South was acutely displeased, although neither was completely happy. † Explain. John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism 13. Explain Marshall’s statement, Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional. Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses 14. â€Å"John Marshall was the most important Federalist since George Washington. † Assess. Monroe and His Doctrine 15. How could a militarily-weak nation like the United States make such a bold statement ordering European nations to stay out of the Americas? Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised 16. Evaluate the importance of the Monroe Doctrine in subsequent American history. How to cite Chapter 12 Outline, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Asian Woman Essay Research Paper Female infanticide free essay sample

Asiatic Woman Essay, Research Paper Female infanticide was a major societal job faced by Chinese and Indian adult females during the eighteenth and 19th centuries, but how did British colonialism aid to convey about of import alterations for adult females in these two great states? The reaching of British colonialism in China and India provided a major accelerator of alteration for adult females and their functions in society which helped to alter the point of view of many parents during the clip. Before the clip of colonialism in the 19th century societal issues for adult females were dealt with really ill, and in some instances lethally. Bing born a female in China or India was a really risky matter due to the common pattern of female infanticide where both civilizations regarded holding a boy much more good to the household than holding a girl. Bing born a miss in China was a really unhealthy thing since female infanticide was really common, particularly among the lower categories. Not merely was a female kid an disbursal to raise, but subsequently she needed a dowery to get married, and her most productive old ages were devoted to her hubby # 8217 ; s household and non her ain. Therefore, some parent # 8217 ; s attitude to kids is such that when they bear a boy they congratulate each other, but when they bear a girl they kill her. Both kids come from the parent # 8217 ; s love, but they congratulate each other when it is a male child and kill it if it is a miss because they are sing their ulterior convenience and ciphering their long-run involvements. It is impossible to pull a full and accurate image of what happened to pamper misss in China at any given clip ; all that is certain is that this signifier of favoritism against adult females, carried out at childbearing or in really early childhood, persisted in changing grades over 100s of old ages, utilizing techniques that were every bit unchanging, whether by submerging in # 8220 ; baby-ponds, # 8221 ; submergence in cold or boiling H2O, asphyxiation, choking, burying alive, or more normally, forsaking or exposure. The penchant for boies and the disfavour for girls was besides a phenomenon that impacted India every bit good, and is best exemplified in North India. Sons, particularly in rural North Indian context were economic, political and ritual assets ; girls in most respects were considered liabilities. Sons were needed for farming the land, or, if they emigrated, were valuable beginnings of remitted income. Sons played of import functions in power battles over land boundaries and rights to irrigation H2O. Sons frequently stayed with the household after matrimony and therefore provided security for the parents in their old age ; North Indian girls married out of their natal small towns and could supply no support for their households of birth. Sons brought in doweries, which frequently contained big sums of hard currency and could be used by the parents of the groom ; girls drained household wealth by necessitating doweries upon matrimony and changeless flow of gifts to their household of m atrimony for old ages thenceforth. Therefore, due to the widely embraced point of view that misss were seen as a fiscal liability for most Indian families it is really apparent in the eighteenth and 19th centuries that female infanticide was practiced by a big proportion of the North Indian population. Harmonizing to some estimations one-fourth of the population in the northwesterly fields part allowed no girl to last while the staying three-quarterss of the population did nil to change the sex ration of their progeny. British colonialism both straight and indirectly had an affect on this deathly societal job. As for China there were many factors that helped to switch the pattern of female infanticide from platitude to improper and unpractical. Through the avenues of authorities, faith, and the workplace the lives of Chinese adult females became much safer. One of the first references of authorities engagement in this issue was on February 19, 1838, when the lieutenant-governor of Guangdong issued a announcement which stated that he had found the frowning of female kids common, and that even the wealthy practiced it. For the hapless, he claimed, poorness was ground adequate. Girls were merely a beginning of increasing outgo, which they could non afford, whereas the rich merely argued that they were of no worth because they could neer be raised to any of import station in the family. He sent warnings and instructions to all the sections and territories of the state to ask into the pattern and prohib it it. Protestant missionaries were the first aliens to register a serious and drawn-out concern at female infanticide, and strong unfavorable judgment of the pattern appeared systematically in their legion histories of China. Many missionaries related the pattern to pagan religion every bit good as to poverty. Adele Fielde, a missional who wrote such perceptive and graphic histories of the lives of a figure of Chinese adult females during the 1880’s, made some effort to determine â€Å"the extent of a great crime† and concluded that: The causes of this offense are two, poorness and superstitious notion. The credence of Christianity brings about a surcease from child-murder, because it destroys the superstitious notion, which is its cause, taking the parents to depend on God, non on male posterities, for comfort in the life to come. It does non relieve poorness, but it presents life in a new facet. The slow displacement to a more industrialised China created a demand for adult females # 8217 ; s labour in the new mills and more misss were being used in domestic industry, and the fact that some households now began to see misss as an economic plus doubtless increased their opportunities of endurance. Aside from these three of import points other conducive factors would hold included a turning consciousness of the rights of the person and the rights of adult females, increasing accent on the immature, a diminution in the rigorous observation of the antique ideal of filial piousness, and the passing of new Torahs allowing equal position to work forces and adult females in China. There are every bit crisp differences of sentiment about the alterations that were brought approximately by the reaching of colonialism in India in respects to the place of adult females. Some respect these alterations as profound and pervasive ; they point to the increasing engagement of adult females in the workplace and to the alterations introduced in their legal position. Others maintain that the place of adult females has changed really small and that Indian society continues to be a male-dominated society. The reaching of industrialism to India created a new sort of economic system where adult females played a more of import function due to European cultural influence in a displacement from family to specialized workshops and industries. In India, where whirling and weaving for ain usage were suited occupations for work forces, fabric industries have chiefly male workers, but in Europe where place spinning and weaving were female businesss, work forces regard whirling and weav ing as proper for adult females merely, and all fabric industries are # 8220 ; female industries # 8221 ; with few, if any, male workers, except for supervisory work, fix of machines, etc. Some Indian fabric industries started with enlisting of big Numberss of adult females, because their first proprietors were Europeans or under European cultural influence. Economic development does non merely travel certain activities off from the family to specialized workshops and industries, it affects besides the sum of work done in the place. Some activities, which used to be subsistence production, go a beginning of money income as larger measures are produced for sale. For case, some harvests become hard currency harvests and some place trades and services may be performed for other families in the local community. If the hard currency cropping or the trade which is now performed for sale was hitherto produced by work forces ( or adult females as the instance may be ) , the work burden wi ll now be given to acquire heavier and they may necessitate aid from the other sex in some operations. It was the transition of new Torahs protecting babe misss from infanticide brought approximately by the reaching of colonialism and a really rapid addition for the demand of adult females # 8217 ; s labour in the workplace, giving parents some hope that holding a miss would non be such an economical drain on the household, that helped slake the frequences of infanticide in India during this clip. However, even though India was under force per unit area of colonial regulation from the late 19th century to the present clip, the pattern of direct female infanticide abated, merely to be supplanted by the pattern of indirect female infanticide through the fatal disregard of female kids. In rural North India there is today still a pronounced instability in the figure of male childs to misss. As we can see both China and India both had a serious job with female infanticide in their societies and that the reaching of British colonialism brought about some profound alterations in this hideous societal pattern by agencies of authorities intercession and by altering the thought that raising misss would be a fiscal load to the household. Although these European influences help to alter things for Chinese and Indian adult females it was still practiced in both states due to tauten beliefs and tradition. Overall the reaching of British colonialism to these two great states may hold brought with it corruptness and development on one manus, but on the other it brought about some really of import societal and ethical alterations that helped the adult females in these states by reprobating the barbarous pattern of female infanticide during the clip.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

legal position of directors Essay Example

legal position of directors Essay LEGAL POSITION OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY Mrs. Kamya Rani Mrs. Sukhbir Kaurl A company is an artificial person created by law. It functions through human agents who are collectively called Board of Directors. They are termed as Trustees of the assets of the company who sees that company business is carried on in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. They decides policies of the company keeping in view the main objects for which the company was formed. Only an Individual is eligible for appointment as a Director of the company. There are various types of directors: 1 . Executive Directors i. e Managing Director, Whole time director 2. Non Executive Director Nominee Director Institutional Nominee Promotional Institutional Nominee Lending Institutional Nominee Holding company nominee Collaborator Nominee Government Nominee us. 48B Debenture holder Nominee Independent Director Others The individual cannot be a director for more than 15 public limited companies. The Directors of the company are custodians of the interest of the stakeholders which includes: (i) Employees Shareholders Creditors Customers Society It is not easy to explain the position that a director holds in a corporate enterprise. A director is not a servant of any master. He is the controller of the companys affairs. Director of a company is neither an employee nor a servant to the company. They are professional people who were hired by the company to direct its affairs. However there is no restriction under the Act, that a director cannot be an employee to the company. In Lee v. Lees Air Farming Ltd 1961 AC 12, it was held that, a director may, however, work as an employee in different capacity. We will write a custom essay sample on legal position of directors specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on legal position of directors specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on legal position of directors specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is no definite definition for irector under the Companies Act, 1956. Director includes any person who is occupying the position of a director, whatever name called. Director As Agents In Ferguson v. Wilson (1866) 2 Ch App 77, the court clearly recognised that directors are in the eyes of law, agents of the company. It was held that, the company has no person; it can act only through directors and the case is, as regards those directors, merely the ordinary case of a principal and agent. When the directors contract in the name, and on behalf of the company, it is the company which is liable on it and not the directors. In Elkington Co. v. Hurter 1892(2) CH 452, where the plaintiff supplied certain goods to a company tnrougn Its cnalrman, wno promlsea to Issue nlm a debenture for the price, but never did so and company went into liquidation, he was held not liable to the plaintiff. Similarly, a director was held to be personally not liable in a suit against a private chit fund company. Attachment of the property of the director was held to be not permissible. Like agents, directors have to disclose their personal interest, if any, in any transaction of the company. In Ray Cylinders Containers v. Hindustan General Industries Ltd(2001) 103 CC 161, held that, the directors are the agents of the institution and not of its individual members, except when that relationship arises due to the special facts of the case. Also granted permission to file a suit against a company was not allowed to be treated as permission against directors as well. In Sarathi Leasing Finance Ltd v. B Narayana Shetty(2006) 131 CC 798, the articles of association empowered the managing director to represent the company in legal proceedings. It was held that a further authorization was not necessary to enable im to file a complaint for dishonor of cheque under Sec. 138 of Negotiable Instrument Act. Directors are the agents of a company. They are acting on behalf of the company. So the directors cannot be held personally liable for any default of the company. It was held that, for a loan taken by a company, the directors, who had not given any personal guarantee to the creditor, could not be made liable merely because they were directors. Director As Trustees Directors are the trusties of the companys money, property and their powers and such must account for all the moneys over which they exercise control and shall efund any moneys improperly paid away, and shall exercise their powers honestly in the interest of the company and all the shareholders, and not their own sectional interest. To whom the directors are trustee? Whether to the company or to the individual shareholders. This principle was laid down in 1902 in Percival v. Wright, and still holds ground as a basic proposition. In this case the court held that, directors have no duty towards individual shareholders. From this it is very clear that, the directors are trustees to the company and not of individual shareholders. The principle of the case was reiterated in Peskin v. Anderson. Ordinarily the directors are not agents or trustees of members or shareholders and owe no fiduciary duties to them. However we have to take the decision of Allen v. Hyatt(1914) 30 TLR 444. It was held that, the directors are trustees of the profit for the benefit of the shareholders. They cannot always act under the impression that they owe no duty to the individual shareholders. But it is of no doubt that the primary duty of the director is to the company. Director As Organs Of Corporate Body The organic theory of corporate life treats certain officials as organs of the company, or whose action the company is held liable Just as a natural person is for the action of his limbs. Thus the modern directors are more than mere agents or trustees. The Board is also correctly recognised to be a primary organ of the company. Directors and managers represent the directing mind or will of the company and control what it does. The state of mind of these managers is the state of mind of the company and is treated by law as such. The practical effects of these rules are that the directors personal fault in the business of the company becomes the fault of the company; nelr reason to Delleve Is attrlDutea to tne company ana tne Intentlon to occupy a premises as expressed by their conduct is the intention of the company. CHANGES MADE BY THE NEW COMPANIES ACT, 2013 The 1956 Act prescribed minimum 2 directors for a private and 3 for a public company respectively to constitute a Board. This criterion has been retained by the new Act, but the maximum limit of directors on the Board has now been raised from 12 to 15. The Act has also removed the stringent compliance of securing prior Central Government approval for raising the number of directors beyond the prescribed limit nd, instead, a comparatively simpler method of approval by means of a special resolution of the shareholders has been introduced. Additionally, new changes include mandatory presence of independent directors on the Board of listed public companies and minimum one woman director in the case of certain class of companies to be notified later, thereby bringing more transparency and gender equality into the Board rooms. The legislation clearly defines the role of such independent directors and has a detailed Code for independent directors appended to it, which contains explicit guidelines for professional conduct, roles and esponsibilities of such directors. They are bound by this Code to play a role in the appointments, determination of remuneration and removal of executive directors, managers and key managerial personnel. In view of the fiduciary position held by directors, explicit provisions prescribing directors duties have been added to the new Act. These include keeping away from situations in which they have conflicting interest with that of the company, duty to make good in monetary terms any undue gain/advantage on the part of the directors etc. Independent directors: The provision o make companies have one-third of their board members as independent directors is fine in principle. Independent directors (IDs) are also more stringently defined, and their tenures will be limited to two terms adding up to 10 years. IDs can also hold a maximum of 20 directorships. The best thing about the new Companies Act is that it is simple, with greater clarity of intent and purpose. Sounds good? But there are pitfalls. For three reasons. First, how independent can IDs be when they are appointed and paid for by the promoters? Will promoters appoint truly independent people on boards? Second, are there enough persons available to be appointed as IDs? In theory, yes, because there are no qualifications for becoming an ID. But, in practice, once you tell the prospective person the responsibilities he will bear, the actual number of competent and willing IDs diminishes. Most IDs, in fact, end up adorning corporate boards without the time or commitment to work in the interests of shareholders. Third, if eligible IDs end up taking up 20 directorships each, how can they really serve each of those companies shareholders diligently? According to a CNBC TV18 report, AnalJit Singh of Max India, for example, attended only one out of 4 board meeting of Dabur in three years, before he resigned. How did he really help protect Daburs shareholder interests by remaining absent? The conclusion: it is good to have many IDs, but corporate governance will need a heavy dose of regulation too to complete the picture. Women directors: It is important for corporate boards to ensure gender diversity, but before that happens, a supply of women eligible for board positions needs to be created. According to GMI Ratings Women on Boards Survey 2013, even on the worlds best-known companies, women account for only 1 1 ercent 0T total alrectorsnlps. In Inala, a sample 0T BY companies witn more tnan S billion in market valuation, the women percentage is less than 7 percent. And we are talking only about the biggest companies here. Clearly, major efforts will have to be made to create more women directors, but before that there have to be more women reaching the top of the corporate hierarchy. The legislation should act as a spur to womens empowerment, but compliance could be years away. Refrences Company Law, Bangia Company Law, PranJape wmwmanupatra. com www. companylawreporter. com www. caclubindia. com

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Witches essays

Witches essays This book is about a young boy who is on an adventure to discover the truth about Witches! This young energetic boy is called...well actually he doesnt have a name, he is just known in the book as Boy, and he is kind of the narrator in this book. Anyway the person responsible for beginning his fascination about witches was his very own grandmother. His grandmother was Norwegian, and apparently all the Norwegians knew about these so called Witches! The Boy lived in England with his parents, while his grandmother lived in Norway and usually twice a year his family would come down to Norway to visit his grandmother. Unfortunately, just soon after his seventh birthday, they were heading up to Norway and their car skidded off the road and came tumbling down into a rocky ravine, both his mum and dad died in this tragic accident and strangely the boy only got away with a minor cut in his forehead! After that it was arranged that he had to live with his grandmother in Norway. The grandmother trying to help the boy forget his tragic lost decided to tell him stories. She told him all kind of stories, but out of all the topics, Witches was the most he was really interested about! She had told him about 5 children who had an encounter with a witch and never lived to tell the tale. In one of these stories this one really fascinated me...there was a family called Christiansen, the lived up on Holmenkollen and they had a really old oil painting in the living room which they were very proud of. The painting showed some ducks in the yard outside a farmhouse, there were no humans painted. It was a rather large painting and really pretty. Anyway one day their daughter came home eating an apple, she said that a nice lady had given it to her. The next morning they couldnt find their daughter anywhere, it was like she had vanished into thin air, but in the end they found her, they found her in the painting! ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Case study #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

#2 - Case Study Example While this is so, there are those companies that show very little concern about what customers think about the services that they get and this can turn out to be very damaging to not only the reputation of the firm but also the income the firm generates. This paper will be looking at the two companies with both extremes in customer service- Amazon with the best and AT&T with the worst. The paper will also state a recommendation for each company that can help improve their customer service. Amazon has been voted the company with the best customer service the second time in a row. There are particular reasons why the company stands out in its customer satisfaction record. Those who have had to return items they had bought from Amazon agree that indeed the customer service of the company is commendable. Jeff Bezos, the founder of the company, is among the most passionate people when it comes to the satisfaction of the customer. Bezos’ is known for the use of his infamous "empty chair" in all boardroom meetings. Bezos asks that a chair be left empty as that is the spot for the customer. The use of the empty chair reminds the other panel members that the boss in the company is actually the customer and should be considered whenever developing any policies for the business. It is this culture of being customer minded that makes everyone in the firm be willing to serve the customers with high regard. Other than this, Amazon demands that every manager and other employees learn how to interact with the customer so that the entire firm is as customer-centric as possible. Bezos is quoted saying that every member of staff, including himself, has to be able to work at a call center. To make this possible, the CEO has every employee get in touch with the customers even if it is for a few days only. Amazon knows that understanding how the customers view, use, and talk about the products they sell is significant to a business and thus lets every member of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research and develop knowledge on the Atrio PMS system and apply it to Paper

And develop knowledge on the Atrio PMS system and apply it to the Diva hotel( San Francisco) - Research Paper Example When people arrive at the hotel, they have to stroll past an amazing sidewalk of fame, which is the superb Diva sidewalk that has signatures of celebrity guests and entrance directly in its lobby. Recently, the hotel renovated its structure and now it offers most extraordinary features to its customers (Hotel Diva, 2012). Each room in the hotel has been renovated with the most superb amenities that comprise carpeting with cobalt, headboard sculptured with stainless steel, CD players set inside the room, two telephones that have touch-tone and allow global internet data ports, voicemail and fax machine, latest televisions with VCRs, pay-per-view movies, Nintendo, honor bar showcase that has special items of San Francisco, maid services, and fresh newspapers (Stowe, 2012). All dining facilities are superb: California Pizza Kitchen, which offers inside dining and room service, and Starbucks, which is adjacent to the lobby. Along with dining facility, there are top quality day laundry an d dry cleaning services, parking by valets that offer parking within and outside privileges, workout room with complimentary cardio services, video library that has a range of newly released films, a caretaker lounge that has magazines, brochures of tourism in San Francisco, literature on San Francisco, as well as green apples of Granny Smith and a gourmet coffee. The hotel is fully-equipped for business; it offers wireless high-speed internet access (â€Å"The Future of Hospitality is Here†, 2012). The target market of Hotel Diva comprises rich people looking for best quality services and complete access to all mandatory amenities. According to Creamer (2012), Diva Hotel has a reputation for offering customized services that are in accordance with customer demands; its management supports innovation and even has boutique properties that are providing access to ample services in a nearby location. The main objective of Hotel Diva is to exceed customer expectations by providin g superb quality services and instant access to the most diverse range of facilities (Hotel Diva, 2012). ATRIO Property Management System (PMS) PAR Springer-Miller Systems, Inc., commonly known as PSMS is the wholly owned subsidiary of PAR Technology Corporation, which is recognized globally for providing hospitality management systems that are guest-centric, so that hotels, restaurants and all companies of hospitality industry can effectively manage their operations (ParTech, Inc., 2011). The company is well-known for development of ATRIO system for hospitality industry that can revolutionize the operations of all companies present in this particular industry. ATRIO platform of solutions is believed to be the latest generation of hospitality management software, which have been purchased by and built for hotels so that they can maintain their IT infrastructure (â€Å"ATRIO Guest Experience Management†, 2012). Since technological advancements happen on an ongoing basis, it is crucial for companies to upgrade their IT systems so that they have well-designed IT infrastructures that will allow them to integrate all requirements of hotel businesses; ATRIO is the best alternative for IT solutions, as it allows hotel owners to save money and control their IT cost. Every hotel and resort has a choice of deployment either on premises or on cloud or even a combination of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lone Wolf Terrorism and National Security Research Paper

Lone Wolf Terrorism and National Security - Research Paper Example A security officer died in that incidence. In early 2010, a protestor flew a plane into an office of IRS in Austin, Texas, injuring 13 bystanders and killing himself. 2009’S Christmas Day attempt to fell a jetliner using a bomb and a 2000 failed car bombing in Times Square were allegedly done by one person. In addition, the following incidents were connected to a single person, a 2010 effort to bomb New York subway lines, a plot in 2010 to blow up the residence of former president George W. Bush in Dallas, the shooting of Congresswoman for Arizona, and some of her followers in Tucson, and an attempt by a bomber to blow himself up in 2012 inside the building. The episodes have created serious concern at the top of the political order, and the apparent threat of unrelated terrorism has prompted crucial changes in requirements for hindering its occurrence, which include the beginning of a â€Å"lone wolf provision†. The provision was introduced into the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of America. The phrase ‘lone wolf’ was made popular in the 1990s by white supremacists Alex Curtis and Tom Metzger in order to encourage other racists to take action alone for security  reasons when performing violent crimes. Other phrases used to depict similar types of political violence are ‘leaderless resistance’, ‘freelance terrorism’ and ‘individual terrorism’. In modern days, the media and US law enforcement agencies use the term "lone wolf" to refer to people undertaking brutal terrorist acts outside an authority structure. The lone wolf operates to advance the philosophical or ideological faiths of an extremist group (Michael, 2012). The lone wolf methods and tactics are directed on their own. In many cases, a lone wolf never has contact with any group they have links with.     

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cubism -the Weeping Woman Essay Example for Free

Cubism -the Weeping Woman Essay Cubism was an art movement which originated in France and Spain in 1906. Cubism influenced painting movement. Cubist artists include Pablo Picasso, George Braque and Juan Gris. Picasso had recently travelled to Africa and native America and was inspired by the tribal masks. Cubist Artists captured different view points at the same time. This showed collage and made the image look 3D. In the painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ she looks like she is at home. I get this idea from the border behind her in the middle of what looks like two walls. I also think it looks homely because it is painted yellow, a colour associated with warmth and comfort. It could also be a church, the brown strip could symbolise the wooden seats in a church. Another thing it could symbolise, is the attendance of a funeral because she is wearing black coloured clothing. In the middle of her face, which is the colour white/blue, it could mean a part of her being taken away, not only is her colour draining away, but so are her emotions. She seems to be hiding her sadness. You can tell she is sad and upset because her eyes look glazed over and there is a red/pink blush under her eyes and nose which could show that she has been crying and has wiped her tears away. The sharp jagged lines could represent how she is holding herself together, and maybe the other emotions she feels, like anger. You can see that she is in distress as she has creases on her forehead. The bits of green blended in with the yellow could represent jealousy, but could also symbolise being ill or sick. She is so upset that its actually making her feel weak and unwell. The white could also be seen as being some kind of ghostly figure, which links back to the thought of her attending a funeral, and why she is so upset. The green representing jealousy, could be envy for other people who’s loved ones are still with them. Her hands look like they are together, like she is trying to pray, for the protection of her loved one in the afterlife. She could also be holding something, like a tissue to wipe away her tears, a possession of the bereaved, a letter or a will. This painting was actually painted representing the weeping woman as a mother of a soldier who had died at war. This connects to the thing she could be holding, as when a soldier dies at war, they usually send a letter to inform the close family of this.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Underground Railroad in North Carolina Essay -- Slavery American H

The Underground Railroad in North Carolina The Underground Railroad was perhaps the most active and dramatic protest action against slavery in United States history and as we look at the Underground Railroad in North Carolina we will focus on the Quakers, Levi Coffin’s early years, and the accounts of escaped slaves from North Carolina. The unique blend of southern slave holder and northern abolitionist influences in the formation of North Carolina served to make the state an important link in the efforts to end slavery inside and outside of North Carolina borders. Although not "underground" nor a "railroad," this informal system became a loosely constructed network of escape routes that originated in the South, intertwined throughout the North, and eventually ended in Canada and other places where runaways were safe from being recaptured. From 1830 to 1865, the Underground Railroad reached its peak as abolitionists who condemned human bondage aided large numbers of slaves to freedom. They not only called for an end to slavery, but acted to assist its victims in securing freedom. Unlike other organized activities of the abolition movement that primarily denounced human bondage, the Underground Railroad secretly resisted slavery by aiding runaways. Because the Underground Railroad had a lack of formal organization, its existence often relied on the efforts of many people from many different aspects of life in North Carolina who helped slaves to escape. Accounts are limited of individuals who actually participated in its activities. Usually conductors hid or destroyed their personal journals to protect themselves and the runaways. However some first hand accounts from runaway slaves were recorded. The shortage of evid... ...nd courage of the black North Carolinians that had to flee along the Underground Railroad for their lives and freedom. Bibliography Levi Coffin(1789-1877) , Reminiscences of Levi Coffin (New York: Arno Press, 1968) Curtis, Anna Louise (1882-) Stories of the underground railroad, by Anna L. Curtis; foreword [by] Rufus M. Jones, illustrated by William Brooks Publisher New York, The Island Workshop Press Co-op, 1941 The Underground railroad, official map and guide [Washington, D.C.?] : National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, [1996] William Still(1821-1902) , The Underground Railroad (New York, Arno Press, 1968) The Fugitive Slave Law ,US Congress, 1793 US Historical Documents Archive, http://w3.one.net/~mweiler/ushda/fugslave.htm Fugitive Slave Act 1850 ,The Avalon Project, Yale Law School http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/fugitive.htm

Monday, November 11, 2019

Living in Fear of Ourselves

Since the beginning of time fear has made men do things he is not proud of. This is no different in the book Lord of the Flies. The children on the island, particularly Jack's tribe, have made many poor choices out of fear. This is similar to how fear affects the outcome of certain choices that are made in society today. In Lord of the Flies it clearly shows how fear led to the death of Simon, the death of Piggy, and how fear can lead to savagery and chaos whether on a deserted island or in every day life. For example, fear on the island was what caused the death of Simon. The boys on the island were full of fear of â€Å"The Beast† (Golding 153), which they thought was a parachutist, but is nothing more than their imagination. Due to their fear, they mistook Simon for the beast and ended up throwing their spears at him in the dark, causing his death. Simon showed courage when he went to look for the beast. The boys were getting wild and rowdy doing their rain dance to get rid of the rain because they were afraid of the thunder and lightning. Instead of exploring the island and finding out what they were afraid of , Ralph and Jack were busy trying to decide who would be the leader of the island. Fear of the beast got the boys scared that he beast was going to come down and kill them, Simon thought other wise. On the island fear of each other caused another death. Fear caused division amongst the boys which led to another death on the island. Ralph, Piggy, and Sam and Eric were going to get Piggy's specs back. Piggy expressed his concern Rivera 2 about going because he was afraid of Jack. He had reason to be afraid of Jack because he was bigger, stronger and had intimidated him in the past, for instance, he would often tell Piggy to â€Å"Shut Up! (Golding 37). Jack was afraid that Ralph would be the leader instead of him. When Ralph and his crew showed up at Castle Rock they noticed that Jack's tribe had their faces painted black like savages. Jack ordered Roger to get the boulder trap to get rid of Ralph and his crew. Piggy and Ralph put their fear aside and went up to tell Jack that the glasses were Piggy's. Meanwhile, Roger, out of fear that Jack would hurt him if he did n't obey his orders, let the boulder trap go. The boulder hits Piggy and he falls off the cliff and dies. Jack covers up his fear by saying that he had planned it all along. As you can see, fear often leads people to make wrong choices, and unfortunately they are left with the consequences of their actions, or the lack of their actions depending on how they let fear manipulate them. The saying its better to be safe then sorry is a great way to sum up how people let fear control them. Being fearful is not always a bad thing, but when you let it completely take over how you react to every situation it becomes a bad thing. For example, if your friends are doing something you know is wrong but you're scared they wont like you if you don't do it, and you go ahead and do it any way, that is being a coward. People who run from the police because they are scared to go to jail, is a bad decision many people often make out of fear. People in the world often let other people's fear control them. When at an amusement park, deciding not to go on a ride because a friend is scared, would change the outcome of the trip from having a good time to being bored. Often in politics people all vote the same way because someone else is telling them to and they are fearful of what people will think of them if they vote against crowd. There are many things people fear, the unknown, finances, love, happiness, death, just to name a few. Knowing when to let go of some of the fear is the important part. Being confident in life Rivera 3 and sticking up for what one believes in helps people become confident and not afraid all the time. Learning the difference between being cautious and being afraid is what will people in society must learn to not live in fear of living. In Lord of the Flies there are two perfect examples of how fear controlled the minds of the kids which eventually led to the deaths of Simon and Piggy. Fear in the world can cause things to go wrong, because it makes people hate each other and be prejudice. A lot of bad decisions are made out of fear that hurt others. Learning to live without fear is something that people should try to learn to do. In Lord of the Flies, the island would have been a more secure place, if the kids would have been more secure with themselves, and that is the same for the world we live in today.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Forty-Two

Elena, Stefan, and Damon headed toward Elena's dorm together, and tension thrummed sharply between them. Elena had taken Stefan's hand automatical y as they walked, and he had stiffened and then gradual y relaxed, so that now his hand felt natural in hers. Things weren't back the way they had been between them, not yet. But Stefan's green eyes were ful of a shy affection when they looked at her, and Elena knew she could make things right. Something had shifted in Stefan when Damon came to rescue him, when Elena untied him and told him how sorry she was. Maybe Stefan just needed to know that whatever was between her and Damon, he was first for her. No one was shutting him out. Elena unlocked her door, and they al went inside. It had been only a few hours since she was last there, but so much had happened that it seemed like somewhere from a long time ago, the posters and clothes and Bonnie's teddy bear al relics of a lost civilization. â€Å"Oh, Stefan,† Elena said, â€Å"I'm so glad that you're safe.† She reached out and wrapped her arms around him and, just like when she took his hand, he tensed for a moment before hugging her back. â€Å"I'm glad that both of you are safe,† she amended, and looked at Damon. His black eyes met hers cool y, and she knew that, without their having to discuss it, he understood that things weren't going to go on the way they had been. She loved Stefan. She had chosen. When Stefan told them of Ethan's plan to take both of the brothers' blood and use it to resurrect Klaus, she was horrified. Not just because of the danger Stefan had been in, or because of the terrifying idea of Klaus alive again, and no doubt vengeful against them, but because of the trap Ethan had laid for Damon. He had planned to take the best of Damon – the reluctant, often marred, but stil strong love he had for his brother – and use it to destroy him. â€Å"I'm eternal y glad you're both okay,† she said again, and reached out to hug Damon, too. Damon came into her arms wil ingly, but, as she squeezed him tightly, he winced. â€Å"What's wrong?† Elena asked, puzzled, and Damon frowned. â€Å"Ethan cut me,† he said, the frown turning into a grimace of pain. â€Å"I'm just a little sore.† He tugged at his shirt, fingering a torn edge, and pul ed it up, exposing a swath of pale taut skin. Against the white skin Elena saw the long cut was already healing. â€Å"It's nothing,† Damon said. He shot Elena a wicked smile. â€Å"A little drink from a wil ing donor and I'l be as good as new, I promise.† She shook her head at him reprovingly, but didn't answer. â€Å"Good night, Elena,† Stefan said, and brushed her cheek gently with the back of his hand. â€Å"Good morning, real y, I guess, but try to get some sleep.† â€Å"Are you going after the vampires?† she asked anxiously. â€Å"Be careful.† Damon laughed. â€Å"I'l make sure he takes care with the nasty vampires,† he said. â€Å"Poor Elena. Normal life isn't going so Well, is it?† Elena sighed. That was the problem, wasn't it? Damon would never understand why she wanted to be an ordinary person. He thought of her as his dark princess, wanted her to be like him, to be better than ordinary people. Stefan didn't think she was a dark princess; he thought she was a human being. But was she? She thought briefly of tel ing them about the Guardians and the secrets of her birth, but she just couldn't. Not right now. Not yet. Damon wouldn't know why it upset her. And Stefan was so pale and tired after his ordeal with the vervain-soaked ropes that she couldn't bring herself to burden him with her fears about the Guardians. As she thought this, Stefan staggered, just a fraction, and Damon reached out automatical y to steady him. â€Å"Thank you,† Stefan said, â€Å"For coming to save me. Both of you.† â€Å"I'l always save you, little brother,† Damon said, but he was looking at Elena, and she heard the echo of when he had said the same words to her. â€Å"Even though I might be better off without you,† Damon added. Stefan gave a tired smile. â€Å"Time to go,† he said. â€Å"I love you, Stefan.† Elena brushed her lips against his softly. Damon gave her a brief nod, his face neutral. â€Å"Sleep Well,† he said. Then the door was closed behind her, and Elena was alone. Her bed had never looked more comfortable or inviting, and she lay down with a sigh, looking up at the soft light that was beginning to break through the window. The Vitale Society was gone. Ethan's plan had been stopped. The campus was safer, and a new day was dawning. Stefan had forgiven her, and Damon didn't leave, didn't turn against them. It was, for now, the best she could hope for. Elena closed her eyes and fel wil ingly asleep at last. Tomorrow would be another day.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Marketing Research for Decision Making Process

Marketing Research for Decision Making Process The marketing research links the marketer to the consumer through information. In order to facilitate decision making process, marketing research should aim at collecting adequate information concerning consumers because marketing forms the basis of a company’s strategy. The information may include the consumers medical condition, investments, income, phone calls, travel patterns e.t.c.Marketing research is necessary in new product execution, pricing , promotion as well as products distribution.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research for Decision Making Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A firm basically survives by producing goods and services that meets the consumer needs in i.e. creating goods and services that the consumers are able and willing to buy. Thus ascertaining the demands of consumers before introducing a new product in the industry is necessary for the future viability of a fir m. The information that a firm may collect before launching a new product includes the information about the preference of the firms’ products as compared to those of competitors, the consumers average income, information as to whether the consumers are ready to appreciate the newly launched products, the spending culture of the consumers among others. It is essential for a firm to access data concerning the consumers so as to compare the sales of a product with another similar product or sales in a given area as compared to another area and then take the necessary marketing actions such as pricing the products in a way that is affordable for the consumers. This will enable the firm to add value to their products and also to come up with alternative products that matches with the needs of the consumers so as to maintain the existing customers as well as attracting others It is essential for a company to access as much information as possible from the consumers so as to be abl e to determine as to whether the firm is up to date with the latest innovations .Innovations nowadays is the key to the organizational growth and those organizations that are lagging behind the latest technology e.g. failure to use internet e.t.c.are finding it difficult to maintain their market share because the competitors are discovering new ideas and concepts each and every day. Therefore, the information that a firm could collect with regards to innovation includes the age of the consumers, information regarding the access to computers, phones e.t.c. so as to develop products that suits the needs of various needs. For instance, entertainment gadgets such as iPods are mainly used by the youth as compared to old people and therefore a firm that produces i Pods needs to target the youths mostly in its advertising. There is a need for a firm to conduct market research so as to take advantage of the dynamic market placeAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Le t's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marketing research information enables a firm to determine the attitude that the consumers have towards a certain product or its advertising. Consumers may be consuming a certain product due to lack of alternative and so they will tend to shy away from buying the same products once another product with different features is introduced into the market and so rendering the firm to loss a portion of its market niche. Another important reason as to why an organization needs to collect as much data as possible concerning consumers is to be able to know the trends in the market place and determine as to whether the firm will continue to offer the product at a given area or not. If customers reveal a high level of satisfaction, then the organization may continue to offer the products with the existing features and if a certain product does not satisfy the consumers, the firm may decide to diversify the product or abolish it all together and focus on those products that are readily available.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hylomorphism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hylomorphism - Essay Example Form on the other hand is a factor that is derived from the way that we perceive an object. It is what is seen and judged to be the nature of a being. In relation to change, form is subject to change once matter undergoes the process; matter changes form when subject to the elements of change. Understanding how the two principles exist makes it relatively easy to determine the effect that a certain change factor could have on a being (The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica). Substance dualism is a philosophical concept classified under the general dualism class (argues that there are essentially two substances that exist; the mental and the physical). Substance dualism postulates that the physical and the mental elements are separate and they exist independent of each other. Taking this view is inherently different from that taken by Hylomorphism, given the nature that change can take place in either of them. Under substance dualism, physical change can take place without affecting the mental and vice versa. On the other hand, Hylomorphism holds that change in matter must affect form and the alternative holds

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Paraphrase essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paraphrase essays - Essay Example ng desire of Cyrus for greatness makes him able to withstand all the temptations and assume a disciplined life, which earns him respect among all people, as well as his army. Nevertheless, Cyrus has had people who are always envious about is character and role as a wise and charismatic leader, but these individuals have fallen from their desired paths. For example, Cyaxares is highly obsessed in achieving the same status of leadership as that of Cyrus in leading his army. However, he failed to achieve this because his envy for Cyrus did not let him focus on activities, which would grant him an opportunity to achieve his goals. Another individual who has fallen because of the envy for Cyrus is the Araspas who has a strong obsession for Panthea. In the entire readings, it is clear that Cyrus was an inspirational leader who gained political success because of his inherent characteristic of observing discipline (Xenophon and Ambler, 2001). The readings also provide emphasis on the Persians status during the Xenophon time. Xenophon illustrated the positive characteristics from the Persians discipline during the Cyrus life. He also indicated that the lack of such characteristics would result in harming the society in different perspectives and aspects of life. Further, Xenophon has illustrated the need for Persians desire to achieve excellence in different endeavors of their life. This trait is seen in different fields, especially in the choice of health, clothing, training for discipline and assuming the best conduct in society. Such has enabled Persians to become an organized society while the presence of Cyrus as the model leader makes them to remain in that status at all times. Nevertheless, the Persians lost the way after the death of Cyrus. Their impressive and erstwhile organization has dissolved while the disarray has made it complex to ensure that an effective successor rises to replace the works of Cyrus. For example, transactions had all forms of dishonesty