Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath Essay

The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath The Dust bowl was an ecological and human disaster in the Southwestern Great Plains regions of the United States in the 1930s. The areas affected were Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. The poor handling of the land and years of drought caused this great disaster (Jones History). During this time the Okies--a name given to the migrants that traveled from Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, or anywhere in the Southwest or the northern plains to California--encountered many hardships. These hardships are brilliantly shown in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath. Scholars agree, The most important fact about the dust storms was not scientific but human: their tragic effect†¦show more content†¦While in grammar school John had a paper route that went through the Mexican neighborhoods. These trips helped inspire his later stories. As in grammar school, Steinbeck was picked on in high school. This time it was not just students, but the teachers also classified John as stupid based onl y on his physical features. In one account of Steinbecks life we are given evidence that teachers would often make fun of him in front of their classes. Regardless of his dramas in high school Steinbeck graduated in 1918 with the other twenty-four students in his class (Swisher 15). Steinbeck attended Standard on and off for six years, but never earned a degree. When Steinbeck was not attending school he was working as a laborer. He often worked with migrants and lived with them. The exposure Steinbeck received from migrants would later help shape the characters he wrote about (Swisher 15). Steinbeck never graduated Standard and it would take years before he was truly recognized. In 1935 Pascal Covici declared he wanted to be Steinbecks permanent publisher. When Covici published Tortilla Flat it soon became settled on the best-seller list, making Steinbeck famous (Swisher 17-19). Now Steinbeck was known and it helped him land good opportunities in the writing field. When the chef editor from the San Francisco News,Show MoreRelated Grapes Of Wrath Essay2416 Words   |  10 Pages John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath is one of the most influential books in American History, and is considered to be his best work by many. It tells the story of one family’s hardship during the Depression and the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s. The Joads were a hard-working family with a strong sense of togetherness and morals; they farmed their land and went about their business without bothering anyone. When the big drought came it forced them to sell the land they had lived on since beforeRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagespurposes besides making a term more precise. Powerful political institutions can exert their power by defining terms their own way. An ordinance was once proposed to the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to outlaw all animal experimentation involving pain with inadequate anesthesia. It required adequate anesthesia for all experimentation on animals. However, it permitted inadequate anesthesia for rats and mice. Lest you think there is an inconsistency here, the ordinance noted that rats and mice

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Chapter 12 Outline Free Essays

Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism I. Identifications 1. Rush-Bagot Agreement: 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 12 Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now Second Bank of the United States: 3. Adams-Onis Treaty: 4. Panic of 1819: 5. Tallmadge Amendment: 6. Missouri Compromise: 7. John Marshall: 8. Monroe Doctrine: II. Guided Reading Questions On to Canada over Land and Lakes 1. Why was the United States Navy able to have success in the fight for Canada? Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended 2. How did Andrew Jackson achieve some measure of retribution in New Orleans for the British actions in Washington? The Treaty of Ghent 3. Was the Treaty of Ghent advantageous to the United States? Explain. Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention 4. Despite an upsurge in patriotism elsewhere, what did some New England Federalists propose at the Hartford Convention, and what was the ultimate impact of the Hartford Resolutions on the Federalists? The Second War for American Independence 5. What were the long term effects of the War of 1812? Nascent Nationalism 6. What evidence of nationalism surfaced after the War of 1812? â€Å"The American System† 7. In what ways could nationalism be seen in the politics and economics of the post-war years? The So-Called Era of Good Feelings 8. To what extent was James Monroe’s presidency an Era of Good Feelings? The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times 9. Explain the causes and effects of the Panic of 1819. Growing Pains of the West 10. What factors led to the settlement of the West in the years following the War? Slavery and the Sectional Balance 1. Why was Missouri’s request for statehood so explosive? The Uneasy Missouri Compromise 12. â€Å"Neither the North nor South was acutely displeased, although neither was completely happy. † Explain. John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism 13. Explain Marshall’s statement, Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional. Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses 14. â€Å"John Marshall was the most important Federalist since George Washington. † Assess. Monroe and His Doctrine 15. How could a militarily-weak nation like the United States make such a bold statement ordering European nations to stay out of the Americas? Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised 16. Evaluate the importance of the Monroe Doctrine in subsequent American history. How to cite Chapter 12 Outline, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Asian Woman Essay Research Paper Female infanticide free essay sample

Asiatic Woman Essay, Research Paper Female infanticide was a major societal job faced by Chinese and Indian adult females during the eighteenth and 19th centuries, but how did British colonialism aid to convey about of import alterations for adult females in these two great states? The reaching of British colonialism in China and India provided a major accelerator of alteration for adult females and their functions in society which helped to alter the point of view of many parents during the clip. Before the clip of colonialism in the 19th century societal issues for adult females were dealt with really ill, and in some instances lethally. Bing born a female in China or India was a really risky matter due to the common pattern of female infanticide where both civilizations regarded holding a boy much more good to the household than holding a girl. Bing born a miss in China was a really unhealthy thing since female infanticide was really common, particularly among the lower categories. Not merely was a female kid an disbursal to raise, but subsequently she needed a dowery to get married, and her most productive old ages were devoted to her hubby # 8217 ; s household and non her ain. Therefore, some parent # 8217 ; s attitude to kids is such that when they bear a boy they congratulate each other, but when they bear a girl they kill her. Both kids come from the parent # 8217 ; s love, but they congratulate each other when it is a male child and kill it if it is a miss because they are sing their ulterior convenience and ciphering their long-run involvements. It is impossible to pull a full and accurate image of what happened to pamper misss in China at any given clip ; all that is certain is that this signifier of favoritism against adult females, carried out at childbearing or in really early childhood, persisted in changing grades over 100s of old ages, utilizing techniques that were every bit unchanging, whether by submerging in # 8220 ; baby-ponds, # 8221 ; submergence in cold or boiling H2O, asphyxiation, choking, burying alive, or more normally, forsaking or exposure. The penchant for boies and the disfavour for girls was besides a phenomenon that impacted India every bit good, and is best exemplified in North India. Sons, particularly in rural North Indian context were economic, political and ritual assets ; girls in most respects were considered liabilities. Sons were needed for farming the land, or, if they emigrated, were valuable beginnings of remitted income. Sons played of import functions in power battles over land boundaries and rights to irrigation H2O. Sons frequently stayed with the household after matrimony and therefore provided security for the parents in their old age ; North Indian girls married out of their natal small towns and could supply no support for their households of birth. Sons brought in doweries, which frequently contained big sums of hard currency and could be used by the parents of the groom ; girls drained household wealth by necessitating doweries upon matrimony and changeless flow of gifts to their household of m atrimony for old ages thenceforth. Therefore, due to the widely embraced point of view that misss were seen as a fiscal liability for most Indian families it is really apparent in the eighteenth and 19th centuries that female infanticide was practiced by a big proportion of the North Indian population. Harmonizing to some estimations one-fourth of the population in the northwesterly fields part allowed no girl to last while the staying three-quarterss of the population did nil to change the sex ration of their progeny. British colonialism both straight and indirectly had an affect on this deathly societal job. As for China there were many factors that helped to switch the pattern of female infanticide from platitude to improper and unpractical. Through the avenues of authorities, faith, and the workplace the lives of Chinese adult females became much safer. One of the first references of authorities engagement in this issue was on February 19, 1838, when the lieutenant-governor of Guangdong issued a announcement which stated that he had found the frowning of female kids common, and that even the wealthy practiced it. For the hapless, he claimed, poorness was ground adequate. Girls were merely a beginning of increasing outgo, which they could non afford, whereas the rich merely argued that they were of no worth because they could neer be raised to any of import station in the family. He sent warnings and instructions to all the sections and territories of the state to ask into the pattern and prohib it it. Protestant missionaries were the first aliens to register a serious and drawn-out concern at female infanticide, and strong unfavorable judgment of the pattern appeared systematically in their legion histories of China. Many missionaries related the pattern to pagan religion every bit good as to poverty. Adele Fielde, a missional who wrote such perceptive and graphic histories of the lives of a figure of Chinese adult females during the 1880’s, made some effort to determine â€Å"the extent of a great crime† and concluded that: The causes of this offense are two, poorness and superstitious notion. The credence of Christianity brings about a surcease from child-murder, because it destroys the superstitious notion, which is its cause, taking the parents to depend on God, non on male posterities, for comfort in the life to come. It does non relieve poorness, but it presents life in a new facet. The slow displacement to a more industrialised China created a demand for adult females # 8217 ; s labour in the new mills and more misss were being used in domestic industry, and the fact that some households now began to see misss as an economic plus doubtless increased their opportunities of endurance. Aside from these three of import points other conducive factors would hold included a turning consciousness of the rights of the person and the rights of adult females, increasing accent on the immature, a diminution in the rigorous observation of the antique ideal of filial piousness, and the passing of new Torahs allowing equal position to work forces and adult females in China. There are every bit crisp differences of sentiment about the alterations that were brought approximately by the reaching of colonialism in India in respects to the place of adult females. Some respect these alterations as profound and pervasive ; they point to the increasing engagement of adult females in the workplace and to the alterations introduced in their legal position. Others maintain that the place of adult females has changed really small and that Indian society continues to be a male-dominated society. The reaching of industrialism to India created a new sort of economic system where adult females played a more of import function due to European cultural influence in a displacement from family to specialized workshops and industries. In India, where whirling and weaving for ain usage were suited occupations for work forces, fabric industries have chiefly male workers, but in Europe where place spinning and weaving were female businesss, work forces regard whirling and weav ing as proper for adult females merely, and all fabric industries are # 8220 ; female industries # 8221 ; with few, if any, male workers, except for supervisory work, fix of machines, etc. Some Indian fabric industries started with enlisting of big Numberss of adult females, because their first proprietors were Europeans or under European cultural influence. Economic development does non merely travel certain activities off from the family to specialized workshops and industries, it affects besides the sum of work done in the place. Some activities, which used to be subsistence production, go a beginning of money income as larger measures are produced for sale. For case, some harvests become hard currency harvests and some place trades and services may be performed for other families in the local community. If the hard currency cropping or the trade which is now performed for sale was hitherto produced by work forces ( or adult females as the instance may be ) , the work burden wi ll now be given to acquire heavier and they may necessitate aid from the other sex in some operations. It was the transition of new Torahs protecting babe misss from infanticide brought approximately by the reaching of colonialism and a really rapid addition for the demand of adult females # 8217 ; s labour in the workplace, giving parents some hope that holding a miss would non be such an economical drain on the household, that helped slake the frequences of infanticide in India during this clip. However, even though India was under force per unit area of colonial regulation from the late 19th century to the present clip, the pattern of direct female infanticide abated, merely to be supplanted by the pattern of indirect female infanticide through the fatal disregard of female kids. In rural North India there is today still a pronounced instability in the figure of male childs to misss. As we can see both China and India both had a serious job with female infanticide in their societies and that the reaching of British colonialism brought about some profound alterations in this hideous societal pattern by agencies of authorities intercession and by altering the thought that raising misss would be a fiscal load to the household. Although these European influences help to alter things for Chinese and Indian adult females it was still practiced in both states due to tauten beliefs and tradition. Overall the reaching of British colonialism to these two great states may hold brought with it corruptness and development on one manus, but on the other it brought about some really of import societal and ethical alterations that helped the adult females in these states by reprobating the barbarous pattern of female infanticide during the clip.