Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Big Five Personality Assessment And Organizational...

In the following paper we will discuss in depth analyses from three different topics: What about me, Working with Others, and Life in Organizations. From these three topics I will also discuss what I have learned about organizational behavior in general and specifically how that will help me become more effective in my current job. Finally, I will discuss the importance of individual personality, and how knowing Jesus personally effects individual behavior. Dr Fischer states, â€Å"You cannot fully understand organizational behavior until you understand how unique individuals made in God’s image were made to interact with one another, and how sin, but for God’s grace, can taint that process of interaction† (Fischer, 2006). The†¦show more content†¦My score indicated that I display more characteristics of creativity, which surprised me. My view of creative thinking has been skewed towards individuals suchs as musicians, actors, writers, and artists. According to Robbins and Judge, â€Å"Both companies and business schools are trying to increase the creative potential of their employees and graduates† (Robbins and Judge, 2009). I thought about the changes I have planned, organized, and implemented as an employee and more recently as a manager in my organization. I created programs for heart failure patients and cancer patients. I restructured staff compensation to motivate them, but also lowered labor costs and implemented new ideas to increase non-dues revenue (Personal Training, Massage Therapy, Guest Fees, and Group Exercise Classes). All these ideas take ingenuity; a trait that I did not realize I preferred before completing this assessment. As stated in the analysis, â€Å"Fo r Managers, creativity is useful in decision making. It helps them to see problems and alternatives that others might not† (Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2008). Part II: Working with Others In section two the assessments analyzed my potential to communicate with others, leadership and team skills, and power and conflict skills. I have always considered myself a strong communicator because of my outgoing personality and my likeability, but after reviewing the

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