Friday, May 22, 2020

Tradition in Roberto Benigni’s Life is Beautiful and...

We all have traditions in our lives, but most of them vary between us. Where we are the same is that we have a genetic history of traditions. So what defines a tradition? A way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, culture, etc., for a long time. An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. Also a belief or story or a relating to the past that are commonly accepted. This information should help us to understand that we are more tradition oriented that we think. Since the beginning of time there have been traditions that exists in our genetic makeup. From the mammals, animals, and fish that migrate every year to†¦show more content†¦So the next time you have that cup of coffee and read the paper just like your dad and his dad before him. Or if you make apple butter the old fashion way, every year with a recipe from your four times great grandmother, these are tradi tions. Maybe some people’s tradition is that the child will do the opposite of the parent and be more like the grandparent, and this happens for generations. Have you ever stop to think about these repeated actions as being traditions, for instance if you always brush and floss you teeth after eating. Where did one’s impulse to do this come from, one’s parents maybe, or possibly one’s three times great grandfather was a dentist? Thus he imprinted this on his children, who then imprinted in their children and so on, until you have a tradition of good oral hygiene. I believe that if the masses could learn to accept and respect traditions that are not one’s own, as long as it did not harm others, we would have less conflict in this world. Unfortunately, I do not foresee this happening anytime soon. In Jackson’s The Lottery, the people were civilized and intelligent, but adhered to the traditions of the past, not even knowing why they were stoni ng someone to death, but doing it just because was tradition. But in Benigni’s Life is Beautiful, there were many life affirming traditions happening, one example being when Guido jumped

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